What is this place?!

What is this place?!

Duane, Laura, Alexys and our baby Shiloh of course we should include Cody (our yorkshire terrier) in the mix of what concludes the Epp Family. We hope this blog helps our family and friends keep up on our lives and this description gives you some insight as to what you are looking at here. ;-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Look Out!!

I will try adding a post tonight along with new pictures. It has been put off and way too long. A quick update until tonight....

Shiloh: 2 month appointment was 9lb 13oz and doing very well. A strong little girl holding her head up for long periods now and very alert. Really checking stuff out and watching her surroundings. In the last two days she has been fighting a little cold, but other than that doing super.

Alexys: Almost 2 years old!!! My sweetheart who is becoming clearer to understand every week now. Only thing is the binky has become a bad habit that we are going to have to buckle down and start breaking her of after our trip to Florida in a couple weeks. Alexys favorite things to do right now are; play outside, jump, dance (we love watching Glee together and dance to the music), and most of all her wood puzzles.

Duane: Keeping busy at work and working in a Price Chopper right now in Kansas City doing a remodel. Getting ready to finish our basement by adding the fourth bedroom and play room for the girls or family room. Also, hunting season has begun, so he is trying to fit in some time to play in the woods and look for his next trophy or at least some meat for eating. The trials bike that he enjoys riding with his Dad and best friend Steve gets a little time in but now that is hunting season may be put up till Spring now.

Laura: Back to work and adjusting to our new routine of two children, work, and trying to be involved in the community as much as time allows. Pretty much just Cops for Tots right now and our auction is October 25th, 2009 if you don't have any plans you should check it out. It will be on the local cable channel live that day or you can come to the production at the High School to bid. This will be my fourth year helping and second year on the board. Although my help the last year has been minimal due to the babies.

Our Family:

Preparing for my Aunt Carols visit this weekend and our trip to the Sugar Mound Arts and Crafts Festival in Mound City KS. Our close family friend JJ Isenhower will be there with his creations Sticks & Stones, so if you go check him out and tell him your friend or family of ours. He just made the girls bunk beds for Christmas/Alexys Birthday, he'll have them on display. It started out as a bed for Alexys 2nd birthday but when Shiloh was born it turned into bunk beds for a later day when I'll have them share a room. The beds can be seperated or left together. They are AWESOME, Duane is a little jealous and envious of them. Saturday evening we are going to my friends parents house for a "just for fun" party where the guys will play croquet and the girls can visit. Steve & Dee hosted this party last year at their house around the fourth of July and we had a great time so we're looking forward to it.

The following weekend I'm trying to get my friend Bailee to come over and hang out with me, it has been a year now.

Next weekend we have Duane's best friends Steve & Char Holtgravers FANTASTIC Halloween Party and the COPS FOR TOTS auction. This two things are always the weekend before Halloween and an amazing time.

October 28th we are Florida bound for my brother Tony Hodgson's retirement from the Air Force, 20 years of serving our great country. Thanks for your committment and dedication Tony! We love you and can't wait to see you!

Monday, September 7, 2009

It has been a few days!!!!

Time for a new post for sure, let's see where should I begin.....Shiloh
1 Month Check-Up this last month on August 23, 2009
Whoohoo...we are growing and bigger than sister Alexys was
8 lb 13.5oz 50% tile
21.5 inches long 75% tile
Alexys is doing well and on the verge of being easier to understand. She is speaking sentences and becoming clearer in her speech every day, ecspecially in the last week. Still a very proud big sister trying to help with what she can and excited to show her baby sister off.
Cody is now acknowledging Shiloh's existence. He had been ignoring her and not going near her as if she didn't exist. This last week he has started cuddling with her and checking her out. Cody and Alexys enjoy playing, chasing each other during the day but by night time he is ready for Alexys to go to bed and leave him alone. :-)
Duane has been working and we are thankful for that.
Laura is returning to work a week from today. Daycare is on vacation this week so it is just the girls and her at home to play and enjoy our last week of just us. Talking about going to Grandma and Grandpa Hodgson's for a couple nights maybe. We'll see how our week goes.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend of Family introductions

The Epp family traveled to Inman KS this last weekend for Shiloh to meet her great-grandparents and attend an Epp Family reunion. Duane's Grandpa Epp was one of nine children. Seven are still living and one sister, Maryann lives in Paraguay. This was her last visit to the states for her and her husband. All 7 siblings were present, 11 children present, 4 grandchildren present, and two great-grandchildren. Total attending the reunion including spouses was around 42 people I believe. It was great meeting the family and visiting. That evening we had dinner and stayed at Duane's cousin Greg & Heathers from his mothers side of the family. Connie's sister Diane & husband Paul joined us for dinner. Greg & Heather have two daughters, Taylor (5) and Brooke (2 in October), Alexys loved playing with her cousins. Sunday we enjoyed brunch with Uncle Steve, Great-Grandpa & Great-Grandma, Grandpa Bob and Nana Kim then we headed home. The girls did wonderful traveling. I will post pictures later....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009 Events

A picture of Shiloh sleeping at 3 weeks. We are having some issues with an upset tummy at times accompanied by a little crying for a couple hours at some times but overall she is doing great!
Friday we had some visitors in the morning and after everyone left I heard a toilet lid and then what I thought could be splashing of water. I immediately ran to the bathroom and found this...

Alexys was so proud of herself for giving her baby a bath. Apparently the lid was up and she had open access.
Friday morning the girls and mommy went for their first walk with the jogging stroller.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome Home Uncle Tony!

"Welcome Home Uncle Tony!!! We love you...Alexys & Shiloh"

My brother made it home this week from his last active duty deployment. The girls can't wait to see you in October for your retirement!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Epp Updates

Alexys 1st Haircut at Simply U by Samantha DeGrande

Friday, July 31, 2009

Shiloh 1st Doctor Appointment-1 Week

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weight: 7lb .5oz

Length: 19 5/8 inches

Doctor Comments: Strong, Alert, Looking great and that mommy & daddy make beautiful little girls!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Awwww, my sweet girls!

Baby Shiloh resting and smiling in her sleep...

My two girls, first night home, fell asleep in my arms...

Alexys has started getting brave on her bouncing zebra. Alexys says "Look at me no hands!", she laughs so hard while doing this and really can balance, of course I'm waitin gfor the day she falls off.

Alexys received her own newborn baby to take care of like mommy is taking care of her new baby sister Shiloh. This was one of her gifts coming home. Thanks to everyone also for the gifts they have brought to Alexys, she is loving them all.

Grandma Connie helped mommy attend a friends baby shower the afternoon we returned home and hung out with us for dinner that the DeGrande's brought over for our first meal home. THanks Samantha, it was great! Grandma Connie is such a big help and we love having her over. Alexys was ready to sleep in her own bed again and Shiloh did a great job the first night home as well. Cody was with my parents still and we were ready to get him home and have our whole family here. :-)

Alexys wouldn't hold still for a picture with anyone really, she is a little too busy these days for pictures I suppose but Shiloh does a great job. My parents returned Cody on Sunday around lunch and bought us lunch. Thanks for the time spent with us, it means the world to have our family close. That evening Uncle Bryan and Aunt Peggy brought over dinner and mojito's. They were awesome, I had been wanting a mojito for some time along with the dinner they prepared.

Last night the girls didn't sleep so well. I think Shiloh is having problems with her tummy and air bubbles in the belly, she was up for almost three hours crying in pain, Alexys then couldn't sleep so we had a late night. Pray tonight is better.

Finally a cute picture of Alexys, Grandpa Bob and Nana bought her to give at the hospital. It is a Mellisa & Doug wooden puzzle that makes the animal sounds. She loves it! I think this pictures says it all...


Mommy & Shiloh getting ready to leave the hospital!

We were not thrilled about being unbundled for the car seat!! Ahhh, all better now we can go.
A picture with Mommy & Daddy at 24 hours old

We had a great visit in the hospital but it was time to get Daddy home and back to Big Sister Alexys. Shiloh checked out with flying colors as well as mommy. We packed up the car and arrived home with the girls and Grandma Connie to get settled in.
Shiloh arriving home and Big Sister Alexys greeting her!

Sisters Forever

Alexys and Shiloh met the first day at the hospital but Alexys was so excited to see all of her grandparents and Uncle Bryan she was too busy showing off for them and playing. At the end of her first visit Shiloh started to cry and Alexys perked up to baby, smiled, and gave Shiloh a kiss. The second day, Grandma Connie brought Alexys back to the hospital where she was the only visitor and they had some special time together with no distractions. However you'll notice in the pictures Alexys had an accident in the room from the beginning. Alexys climbed on the bed and when she went to nose dive on the boppy pillow, she hit the tray and received a bloody nose. Well as you can see she wouldn't let anyone clean her face and quickly was ready to check out her new sister with kisses and hugs. The three pictures above are from their second visit with each other.

It's a Girl!

Wednesday, June 22, 2009 we took Alexys to the Miami County Fair Parade and then to the fair to see the animals. My parents picked her back up at 10pm to stay one last night. About midnight I woke up to some contractions and my hips really bothering me. I was able to sleep between contractions until 5am. Around 5:30am I jumped in the tub, then out to the shower thinking we would try work and they would go away. At 6:30 as Duane was getting ready to head out for work I told him it was time to go to the hospital. We arrived to the hospital, checked in, and I was dilated to a 4 and contractions were 2-5 minutes a part. They broke my water at 9:30, around noon I was questioning my choice of no drugs but with the wonderful support of Duane, Juley Isenhower, Lisa Elmore, and the labor nurse Gloria, we made it to a beautiful delivery at 1:20. A beautifuol girl:

Shiloh Juleyann Epp
(Shiloh-city in the bible/Juleyann after my friend Juley and Ann after Aunt Peggy's middle name and Duane's Grandma Scherling)

Born: July 23, 2009

Time: 1:20pm

Weight: 7 lb 1.2 oz

Length: 19.75 inches

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

39-Week Checkup

SOooo....we are still going strong and not at the hospital. We had a couple of rough days after the last appointment then over the weekend each day I feel better. I don't know if that is good or bad, however we had our 39 week checkup yesterday at 4:10pm. Here are the stats:
  • Baby-148 heart beats per minute
  • I have remained dilated at a good 3
  • 70% e-faced
  • Baby Position -1

Dr Peck says anytime and we'll see you later! Duane, myself, parents, everyone is getting anxious to learn the sex and meet our newest member. We will just have to be patient a little bit longer.

Daycare is on vacation this week so my parents are filling in as babysitter's this week and due to being so close to having this baby Alexys has been staying the last two nights with them. Yesterday they went shopping and visiting with family all day and night. Tonight they will bring her home for us to take her to the Miami County Fair parade and have dinner with her. I think they are going to have a date night to the movies. Friday, Alexys Grandma Connie will stay with her during the day. That is about it for us, just trying to keep me moving and get closer to the big day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Still hanging in there

Since my last post I have been able to get some sleep at night and that has made a difference in our days. Thursday I had the final sign that the baby is certainly working its way out. So, Friday night we hung out around the house. Saturday Alexys and I went and picked up some fresh produce from a local farmer, then back to the house for lunch and wait on Duane's father and step-mom to arrive for the evening. Paola had their annual car show, so we went up there and walked around, then to Beethoven's (a german resteraunt) for dinner. After that Alexys went for an overnight at Grandpa Bob & Nana Kim's. Today, Duane took me to Wal-Mart for some more walking and we'll go pick up Alexys here shortly. Right now, I'm just sore but overall feeling good.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Contractions thru the night

Well, last night was very little rest for myself. I was unable to fall asleep and had very mild contractions once or twice an hour thru the night. I will go to work today and once again, we'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

38 Week Update

38 Weeks, can't believe we are so close! SOOOO, here are the stats
  • Baby-147 heart beats per minute (this was way up)
  • I am dialated easily to a 3 he said
  • 60% E-faced
  • Baby Position -2 (it is in position and dropped as low as it can go)

We'll see what happens but for now the plans are to take it easy. I'm not ready yet ;-) I would enjoy another week but I maybe lucky for one more night. I can feel it getting close. Keep checking in!

Weekend Update

The Epp Family had a good weekend. Friday night we hung out around the housing grilling out steak and bake potatoes. Saturday Alexys and mommy hung out around the house till afternoon when Alexys went to Gardner to stay the night at Grandma Connie's house. It had been a while since she had an overnight and I think they had an awesome time together. Duane and I attended a wedding reception for our friends Russ & Katie Hermreck. They had a great reception and it was great seeing some friends. Sunday morning we made it to church then came home to prepare lunch. Grandma Connie brought Alexys home, then Uncle Bryan and Aunt Peggy joined us for lunch and a nice visit in the afternoon. Later that day we were going to attend the church picnic and swim party but Alexys took a late nap so we missed the start of the picnic. Then my parents surprised us and made it in time to go pick up some dinner for all of us. Alexys was so excited to wake up and find them here to play for the rest of the evening.
Monday we returned to work and I could really feel the baby drop over the weekend.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

37 Week Check-Up

37 Weeks in and only 3 more to go! The heartbeat was 134 at our check-up, head still down, and everything is a go still. My blood pressure was where they would like it to be and he'll check me next week to see what progress we've made and how much closer to delivery we are. Simple update today. :-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Whooo....What a weekend!

Friday Duane and I both enjoyed a day off of work for the fourth of July holiday. Alexys and I went shopping for the day to help get ready for another stay in the hospital and her new baby brother/sister. Grandma Connie joined us for the day at Oak Park mall. We picked up a few new outfits from Nordstroms that Aunt Peggy helped us with, then off to pick up some pajamas for me at the hospital and home. We enjoyed lunch at the food court where Alexys enjoyed Rice, Bourbon Chicken and Crab Ragoon's. Duane spent his morning working a side job then off to ride for the afternoon. We met back at the house around 6pm to take off for a get together at my friend Chrisy Nickell's home in Parker. Chrisy was celebrating her father's recovery from lung cancer and having half of it removed this last year along with his birthday. They had a large crowd there to celebrate and a great dinner. After dark we headed back to Paola to try and enjoy their fireworks display from the Nutt house (my friend Kym's parents last name). They were hosting a few of the family and we stopped in kind of late to say hello.

Saturday was the fourth of July and what a better way to celebrate other than help family move. Not really, it was a sad day but one that had to be done. Duane's cousin Heidi and husband Josh hosted family and pack their POD or however you spell it. A picture of Duane, Cousin Joel, and Brother Bryan.

Alexys was a little show off that day, we skipped the packing of the POD but went over at lunch to enjoy some yummy grilled food. Then Alexys started entertaining everyone with some break dancing and playing to make us laugh at her. Duane's Aunt Janet took the attached picture of my prego self.

We made our goodbye's a few short hours later and headed home for a nap before the next party. The Epp family celebrated the fourth this year at the Isenhower home in LaCygne. We enjoyed great food and friends. Alexys was able to swim, swing, slide, play with friends her age and run around. They had a great firework display that evening but Alexys wasn't much into the fireworks. She was more interested in playing with the buckles of her stroller.

Yesterday Alexys and mommy stayed home to relax and get a few more things together for the new baby that will arrive soon. Along with clean out some drawers that I have a tendency to stuff with papers when expecting company and no time to go thru them. :-). Around 6pm we headed to Gardner for Duane's moms. There we celebrated Bryan and Peggy's 12th Anniversary with dinner on her new back deck. Alexys enjoyed her first corn on the cob and we'll post a picture of that when Aunt Peggy gets some time to send it to us.

We return to the doctor tomorrow for our 37 week check-up.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

36 Week Check-Up

We had our 36 week check-up this afternoon at 4:1o. The Dr's office was on time today and was able to get me right in. Today we had the Strep B culture and the results are expected to be in next week. My blood pressure checked out and I measured at 37 weeks this visit. The baby has really grown in the last two weeks. Well, during our check on the baby, the heart beat started at 120 and dropped to 115, he thought avg at 117. Anyways this raised some concern for the Dr so he had me admitted to start a Non Stress Test on the baby. We started the test at 5pm and they released me at 6pm. 1 hour of watching the heartbeat vary a little bit from 130 to 105 at the beginning but by the end we averaged out around 125. My heartburn acted up during the testing and they noticed my braxton hicks starting up also. Of course the advice is drink lots of water and stay off your feet. I made it home where Duane had dinner ready for me. I am now resting in my lazy boy. :-)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a fun weekend! Saturday we celebrated the expecting birth of another Epp heir and pregnancy of Duane's cousin Heidi. She is due in November but her husband and her have chosen to follow their call from the lord and move to Vegas (sounds odd, but they are following a church that is wanting to get established out there). SO her dear friends from college put together a baby shower for her. We had a great time there watching her open some great gifts to prepare for their little boy on the way. We returned from the shower for a 3 hour nap, then Grandma Connie was here to play for a little bit. Then we took off to meet up with Daddy (Duane) at Grandpa Bob and Nana Kim's house for their Annual 4th of July bash. Duane was smoking chicken this year for the festivities. I think they cooked about 250 pieces of chicken that day and it was AWESOME! We enjoyed the party and after dusk an incredible fireworks display Greenwood puts on right across the street and field from their home. It lasted 26 minutes this year. Needless to say when we returned home on Sunday I was so exhausted from Saturday that we missed a baby shower and birthday party due to my sleeping and napping to be ready to return to work today.
Alexys was put on some cough medicine this week. It is confirmed that she has allergies and we are fighting them this week with congestion and coughing.
I will return to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for my 36 week check-up. We'll post again after the appointment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

At last..more pictures!

HOT HOT HOT....103 degrees today when Alexys and I made it home at 6pm. Daddy had her new pool up and ready for her to jump into.

Duane loves this picture of Alexys in her cool sunglasses from two weeks ago..

Alexys and my pregnant self at the John Brown Jamboree parade. She loved the sirens and the dancers, she is watching the dance team during this picture.

Pictures of Alexys

The First Picture is Alexys getting ready to go to the pool at Grandma Hodgson's house the other week. Picture #2 is Alexys and her cousin Nathanael at her cousin Hilary's high school graduation party. Picture #3 is from Easter as she gets into her easter basket from Grandpa Bob and Nana Kim (she loved her little snacks). Picture #4 is just a random picture from a month or so ago...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

34 Week Update-18month Checkup-Babies R Us

Friday night we went to a new place for Duane and me to eat. Mi Ranchito in Olathe where we met his brother, sister-in-law, mother, cousin Heidi and Josh Kraus. Heidi and Josh are taking a bold leap and moving in a couple weeks so we wanted to take an evening out to spend with them. We had an awesome dinner and there are 6 locations in the Kansas City area. Check them out if your ever around one.

Saturday I spent sometime with Natalie and Samantha. Samantha was taking "belly pictures" of Natalie and me, we are both pregnant. ;-) So we spent the whole day together running out to a local winery then back to Samantha's shop. It was a fun day and I was happy to get some pictures during this pregnancy as I never made it with Alexys. Saturday evening I did fall ill to a stomach flu I believe and it stuck around till Tuesday morning. bummer, but it is over with now!

Tuesday we had Alexys 18 month check-up. She is a healthy little girl and her stats are:
  • Weight: 21 lbs 8.5 oz - 20% tile

  • Height: 31" - 25% tile

  • Head: 18" - 25% tile
Alexys is really into singing, jabber, playing pretend, trying to dress herself, wooden puzzles (loves these, we need to find some more), so much fun to play with right now.

After Alexys appointment I had my 34 week checkup for the new baby. My blood pressure was good, weight good, measured at 34 weeks, and the heartbeat was 135 bpm. He said your doing great see you in two weeks and then we are on to weekly checkup's. Wow, this is going so fast this time.

Last night Duane, Alexys and I headed to Babies R Us. Duane's cousin Heidi I mentioned above is also expecting and I told her at dinner on Friday I would take her to Babies R Us and give her my opinion and helpful and not so helpful items. At the same time I started another registry in case it is a boy and/or of the items I may need to get if it is another girl. I did break and find a cute bed set, actually 2, a monkey set and giraffe set. If it is a boy I will probably break down with the 10% coupon they send you after you have the baby and get a new bedset from Winnie the Pooh. Duane was hoping to pick out a baby boy outfit or two for the hospital but gave up after 5 minutes of wondering the clothes by himself. He thought it would be fun but said he needed me to help him. So we'll go back up another night and look around in the next couple weeks.

Tonight we will go to our friends Curt & Susan's for a cookout and watch the John Brown Jamboree parade in Osawatomie.

This weekend we will celebrate the wedding of our friends Craig Tennis and Jenny McDougal, then another special Father's Day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A picture....my computer is taking forever

Never far from my daddy's leg when we are home. This was Mother's Day 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weekend Fun

This last weekend Alexys stayed the night with my parents so Duane and I could attend a wedding reception. Sunday we went down first thing to take Alexys swimming, lunch with my parents, then brought her back home. We had a nice time and she was exhausted from her short visit. Grandma Hodgson had some new toys for her, a car and some play food and cooking toys. Thanks Grandma! We are busy into another week of work.
Once again, we'll post some pics later, watch out, because I'm going to go crazy on pictures one of these days!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

32 Week Check-Up

Yesterday we revisited the doctor for our official 32 week check-up. We are happy to report that we are right on target in my measurements of 32 weeks. My blood pressure was good and heartbeat was excellent. 138 bpm was the baby's official heartbeat this week. He/She is really moving and growing so much, although I've only gained a lb in the last two weeks we can tell a difference in my belly. We'll return in two weeks for our next visit. Hard to believe only two short months if that till we are a family of four.

Alexys had a good weekend. Saturday we hung around the house all day and night playing and cleaning. Started pulling out some of the baby items for her little brother/sister. Then Sunday we went to LaCygne to the kiddie pool at Grandma Hodgson's. She loves the water and enjoyed the kiddie pool of being able to walk around without me holding her. Then we took Grandma out for lunch and returned home for some shopping at Wal-Mart and relaxation at home with her daddy. Alexys is making her animal sounds now, pointing at her body parts when you ask her things, answering yes to most questions shaking her head and body. So Cute...

We'll try pictures and what not later when I have more time. :-)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pre-Admission Visit

Olathe Medical Center has finally started doing Pre-Admission Visits for the maternity floor. The only complaint I had last time was that I wished they would ask me their 50 questions and forms before I showed up there in labor (ecspecially at an 8). They do it now and we are ready to rock n roll. At least for the hospital part of expanding our family.
Since our house is for sale we've decided not to switch the kids rooms up or set up a new bedroom to hopefully take down within a short time of bringing the baby home. So, I'm going to set up the Amby Swing my brother's family purchased for Alexys and make somewhat of a nursery in there for the time being. I purchased a box of diapers this last weekend, and need to get that supply built up again. Need to make a list of needed items and make some runs to Babies R Us and Wal-Mart.
Alexys is in to her singing recently. She loves to sing, swing, run, play tag, harass Cody, and laugh. She is amazing and I'm so in love with her. She has started lifting my shirt to look at my belly button that is poking out now. Seems as though she is trying to figure it out.
Duane returned to work yesterday, THank you , THANK YOU!
I will try to figure out the pictures and putting them on here this weekend for some better pic updates of us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

30 Week Check-up Successful

We had our 30 week checkup yesterday. It was time for the diabetes test and I passed at 116, they said I should be between 100 and 140. My blood pressure was awesome. Doctor came in and I was measuring right where I should be and the babies head is down. I told him I had some contractions last weekend and what i did to counteract them and he said I was good. We'll report back to Dr. Peck in two weeks. I'll officially have 9 weeks left after today!
Alexys spent yesterday and today with my parents since her daycare is on vacation this week. I think they have had a great visit, whenever I've called I can hear her laughing, singing, and jabbering in the background. Her Grandma Connie will spend Friday with her and at this point I am going to spend tomorrow with her.
Duane has been laid off the last three days but they plan to get him back to work in the morning.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Need to Improve on these Updates!

So it is apparent to me that although I get on here daily to check my families blogs, I am lacking in my department. Also, I enjoy everyone else's blogs so much with the pictures, etc. It is time that I improve on posting new pictures and updates.

We are 29 weeks into pregnancy now. Can't believe we have only 11 weeks left. I have terrible heartburn and I've really had the feeling of exhaustion this week but all in all, I am fine. We will go back to the doctor on May 19th. Alexys has her I teeth coming in this last week so we've been up and down in our moods but overall she is such a joy to be around. She is truly becoming a mama's girl when she's tired and daddy's girl when she is awake. Still loves to harass our dog Cody. Alexys loves to eat and I think could take many on in an eating contest. Duane received a work van this week and that is something he has been working hard to earn with Westhues Electric. Although things are slow right now we have been blessed with him keeping busy between Boulevard Brewery and Doherty Steel for work. So, Duane is spending this weekend getting the Saturn SC1 ready to sell along with the four-wheeler and house. I think we maybe out of things to sell for now.

I'll work on some pictures to upload on here so you can see Alexys. May is a busy month between graduations, birthdays, mother's day, and the holiday I feel like we are running circles. Alexys has two birthday parties to attend this weekend. Then we have mother's day. I have asked for church, breakfast, and relax at the house for a couple hours before we go to a 2nd birthday party. :-)