What is this place?!

What is this place?!

Duane, Laura, Alexys and our baby Shiloh of course we should include Cody (our yorkshire terrier) in the mix of what concludes the Epp Family. We hope this blog helps our family and friends keep up on our lives and this description gives you some insight as to what you are looking at here. ;-)

Monday, September 7, 2009

It has been a few days!!!!

Time for a new post for sure, let's see where should I begin.....Shiloh
1 Month Check-Up this last month on August 23, 2009
Whoohoo...we are growing and bigger than sister Alexys was
8 lb 13.5oz 50% tile
21.5 inches long 75% tile
Alexys is doing well and on the verge of being easier to understand. She is speaking sentences and becoming clearer in her speech every day, ecspecially in the last week. Still a very proud big sister trying to help with what she can and excited to show her baby sister off.
Cody is now acknowledging Shiloh's existence. He had been ignoring her and not going near her as if she didn't exist. This last week he has started cuddling with her and checking her out. Cody and Alexys enjoy playing, chasing each other during the day but by night time he is ready for Alexys to go to bed and leave him alone. :-)
Duane has been working and we are thankful for that.
Laura is returning to work a week from today. Daycare is on vacation this week so it is just the girls and her at home to play and enjoy our last week of just us. Talking about going to Grandma and Grandpa Hodgson's for a couple nights maybe. We'll see how our week goes.