What is this place?!

What is this place?!

Duane, Laura, Alexys and our baby Shiloh of course we should include Cody (our yorkshire terrier) in the mix of what concludes the Epp Family. We hope this blog helps our family and friends keep up on our lives and this description gives you some insight as to what you are looking at here. ;-)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

36 Week Check-Up

We had our 36 week check-up this afternoon at 4:1o. The Dr's office was on time today and was able to get me right in. Today we had the Strep B culture and the results are expected to be in next week. My blood pressure checked out and I measured at 37 weeks this visit. The baby has really grown in the last two weeks. Well, during our check on the baby, the heart beat started at 120 and dropped to 115, he thought avg at 117. Anyways this raised some concern for the Dr so he had me admitted to start a Non Stress Test on the baby. We started the test at 5pm and they released me at 6pm. 1 hour of watching the heartbeat vary a little bit from 130 to 105 at the beginning but by the end we averaged out around 125. My heartburn acted up during the testing and they noticed my braxton hicks starting up also. Of course the advice is drink lots of water and stay off your feet. I made it home where Duane had dinner ready for me. I am now resting in my lazy boy. :-)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a fun weekend! Saturday we celebrated the expecting birth of another Epp heir and pregnancy of Duane's cousin Heidi. She is due in November but her husband and her have chosen to follow their call from the lord and move to Vegas (sounds odd, but they are following a church that is wanting to get established out there). SO her dear friends from college put together a baby shower for her. We had a great time there watching her open some great gifts to prepare for their little boy on the way. We returned from the shower for a 3 hour nap, then Grandma Connie was here to play for a little bit. Then we took off to meet up with Daddy (Duane) at Grandpa Bob and Nana Kim's house for their Annual 4th of July bash. Duane was smoking chicken this year for the festivities. I think they cooked about 250 pieces of chicken that day and it was AWESOME! We enjoyed the party and after dusk an incredible fireworks display Greenwood puts on right across the street and field from their home. It lasted 26 minutes this year. Needless to say when we returned home on Sunday I was so exhausted from Saturday that we missed a baby shower and birthday party due to my sleeping and napping to be ready to return to work today.
Alexys was put on some cough medicine this week. It is confirmed that she has allergies and we are fighting them this week with congestion and coughing.
I will return to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for my 36 week check-up. We'll post again after the appointment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

At last..more pictures!

HOT HOT HOT....103 degrees today when Alexys and I made it home at 6pm. Daddy had her new pool up and ready for her to jump into.

Duane loves this picture of Alexys in her cool sunglasses from two weeks ago..

Alexys and my pregnant self at the John Brown Jamboree parade. She loved the sirens and the dancers, she is watching the dance team during this picture.

Pictures of Alexys

The First Picture is Alexys getting ready to go to the pool at Grandma Hodgson's house the other week. Picture #2 is Alexys and her cousin Nathanael at her cousin Hilary's high school graduation party. Picture #3 is from Easter as she gets into her easter basket from Grandpa Bob and Nana Kim (she loved her little snacks). Picture #4 is just a random picture from a month or so ago...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

34 Week Update-18month Checkup-Babies R Us

Friday night we went to a new place for Duane and me to eat. Mi Ranchito in Olathe where we met his brother, sister-in-law, mother, cousin Heidi and Josh Kraus. Heidi and Josh are taking a bold leap and moving in a couple weeks so we wanted to take an evening out to spend with them. We had an awesome dinner and there are 6 locations in the Kansas City area. Check them out if your ever around one.

Saturday I spent sometime with Natalie and Samantha. Samantha was taking "belly pictures" of Natalie and me, we are both pregnant. ;-) So we spent the whole day together running out to a local winery then back to Samantha's shop. It was a fun day and I was happy to get some pictures during this pregnancy as I never made it with Alexys. Saturday evening I did fall ill to a stomach flu I believe and it stuck around till Tuesday morning. bummer, but it is over with now!

Tuesday we had Alexys 18 month check-up. She is a healthy little girl and her stats are:
  • Weight: 21 lbs 8.5 oz - 20% tile

  • Height: 31" - 25% tile

  • Head: 18" - 25% tile
Alexys is really into singing, jabber, playing pretend, trying to dress herself, wooden puzzles (loves these, we need to find some more), so much fun to play with right now.

After Alexys appointment I had my 34 week checkup for the new baby. My blood pressure was good, weight good, measured at 34 weeks, and the heartbeat was 135 bpm. He said your doing great see you in two weeks and then we are on to weekly checkup's. Wow, this is going so fast this time.

Last night Duane, Alexys and I headed to Babies R Us. Duane's cousin Heidi I mentioned above is also expecting and I told her at dinner on Friday I would take her to Babies R Us and give her my opinion and helpful and not so helpful items. At the same time I started another registry in case it is a boy and/or of the items I may need to get if it is another girl. I did break and find a cute bed set, actually 2, a monkey set and giraffe set. If it is a boy I will probably break down with the 10% coupon they send you after you have the baby and get a new bedset from Winnie the Pooh. Duane was hoping to pick out a baby boy outfit or two for the hospital but gave up after 5 minutes of wondering the clothes by himself. He thought it would be fun but said he needed me to help him. So we'll go back up another night and look around in the next couple weeks.

Tonight we will go to our friends Curt & Susan's for a cookout and watch the John Brown Jamboree parade in Osawatomie.

This weekend we will celebrate the wedding of our friends Craig Tennis and Jenny McDougal, then another special Father's Day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A picture....my computer is taking forever

Never far from my daddy's leg when we are home. This was Mother's Day 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weekend Fun

This last weekend Alexys stayed the night with my parents so Duane and I could attend a wedding reception. Sunday we went down first thing to take Alexys swimming, lunch with my parents, then brought her back home. We had a nice time and she was exhausted from her short visit. Grandma Hodgson had some new toys for her, a car and some play food and cooking toys. Thanks Grandma! We are busy into another week of work.
Once again, we'll post some pics later, watch out, because I'm going to go crazy on pictures one of these days!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

32 Week Check-Up

Yesterday we revisited the doctor for our official 32 week check-up. We are happy to report that we are right on target in my measurements of 32 weeks. My blood pressure was good and heartbeat was excellent. 138 bpm was the baby's official heartbeat this week. He/She is really moving and growing so much, although I've only gained a lb in the last two weeks we can tell a difference in my belly. We'll return in two weeks for our next visit. Hard to believe only two short months if that till we are a family of four.

Alexys had a good weekend. Saturday we hung around the house all day and night playing and cleaning. Started pulling out some of the baby items for her little brother/sister. Then Sunday we went to LaCygne to the kiddie pool at Grandma Hodgson's. She loves the water and enjoyed the kiddie pool of being able to walk around without me holding her. Then we took Grandma out for lunch and returned home for some shopping at Wal-Mart and relaxation at home with her daddy. Alexys is making her animal sounds now, pointing at her body parts when you ask her things, answering yes to most questions shaking her head and body. So Cute...

We'll try pictures and what not later when I have more time. :-)