What is this place?!

What is this place?!

Duane, Laura, Alexys and our baby Shiloh of course we should include Cody (our yorkshire terrier) in the mix of what concludes the Epp Family. We hope this blog helps our family and friends keep up on our lives and this description gives you some insight as to what you are looking at here. ;-)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pre-Admission Visit

Olathe Medical Center has finally started doing Pre-Admission Visits for the maternity floor. The only complaint I had last time was that I wished they would ask me their 50 questions and forms before I showed up there in labor (ecspecially at an 8). They do it now and we are ready to rock n roll. At least for the hospital part of expanding our family.
Since our house is for sale we've decided not to switch the kids rooms up or set up a new bedroom to hopefully take down within a short time of bringing the baby home. So, I'm going to set up the Amby Swing my brother's family purchased for Alexys and make somewhat of a nursery in there for the time being. I purchased a box of diapers this last weekend, and need to get that supply built up again. Need to make a list of needed items and make some runs to Babies R Us and Wal-Mart.
Alexys is in to her singing recently. She loves to sing, swing, run, play tag, harass Cody, and laugh. She is amazing and I'm so in love with her. She has started lifting my shirt to look at my belly button that is poking out now. Seems as though she is trying to figure it out.
Duane returned to work yesterday, THank you , THANK YOU!
I will try to figure out the pictures and putting them on here this weekend for some better pic updates of us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

30 Week Check-up Successful

We had our 30 week checkup yesterday. It was time for the diabetes test and I passed at 116, they said I should be between 100 and 140. My blood pressure was awesome. Doctor came in and I was measuring right where I should be and the babies head is down. I told him I had some contractions last weekend and what i did to counteract them and he said I was good. We'll report back to Dr. Peck in two weeks. I'll officially have 9 weeks left after today!
Alexys spent yesterday and today with my parents since her daycare is on vacation this week. I think they have had a great visit, whenever I've called I can hear her laughing, singing, and jabbering in the background. Her Grandma Connie will spend Friday with her and at this point I am going to spend tomorrow with her.
Duane has been laid off the last three days but they plan to get him back to work in the morning.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Need to Improve on these Updates!

So it is apparent to me that although I get on here daily to check my families blogs, I am lacking in my department. Also, I enjoy everyone else's blogs so much with the pictures, etc. It is time that I improve on posting new pictures and updates.

We are 29 weeks into pregnancy now. Can't believe we have only 11 weeks left. I have terrible heartburn and I've really had the feeling of exhaustion this week but all in all, I am fine. We will go back to the doctor on May 19th. Alexys has her I teeth coming in this last week so we've been up and down in our moods but overall she is such a joy to be around. She is truly becoming a mama's girl when she's tired and daddy's girl when she is awake. Still loves to harass our dog Cody. Alexys loves to eat and I think could take many on in an eating contest. Duane received a work van this week and that is something he has been working hard to earn with Westhues Electric. Although things are slow right now we have been blessed with him keeping busy between Boulevard Brewery and Doherty Steel for work. So, Duane is spending this weekend getting the Saturn SC1 ready to sell along with the four-wheeler and house. I think we maybe out of things to sell for now.

I'll work on some pictures to upload on here so you can see Alexys. May is a busy month between graduations, birthdays, mother's day, and the holiday I feel like we are running circles. Alexys has two birthday parties to attend this weekend. Then we have mother's day. I have asked for church, breakfast, and relax at the house for a couple hours before we go to a 2nd birthday party. :-)