What is this place?!

What is this place?!

Duane, Laura, Alexys and our baby Shiloh of course we should include Cody (our yorkshire terrier) in the mix of what concludes the Epp Family. We hope this blog helps our family and friends keep up on our lives and this description gives you some insight as to what you are looking at here. ;-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Look Out!!

I will try adding a post tonight along with new pictures. It has been put off and way too long. A quick update until tonight....

Shiloh: 2 month appointment was 9lb 13oz and doing very well. A strong little girl holding her head up for long periods now and very alert. Really checking stuff out and watching her surroundings. In the last two days she has been fighting a little cold, but other than that doing super.

Alexys: Almost 2 years old!!! My sweetheart who is becoming clearer to understand every week now. Only thing is the binky has become a bad habit that we are going to have to buckle down and start breaking her of after our trip to Florida in a couple weeks. Alexys favorite things to do right now are; play outside, jump, dance (we love watching Glee together and dance to the music), and most of all her wood puzzles.

Duane: Keeping busy at work and working in a Price Chopper right now in Kansas City doing a remodel. Getting ready to finish our basement by adding the fourth bedroom and play room for the girls or family room. Also, hunting season has begun, so he is trying to fit in some time to play in the woods and look for his next trophy or at least some meat for eating. The trials bike that he enjoys riding with his Dad and best friend Steve gets a little time in but now that is hunting season may be put up till Spring now.

Laura: Back to work and adjusting to our new routine of two children, work, and trying to be involved in the community as much as time allows. Pretty much just Cops for Tots right now and our auction is October 25th, 2009 if you don't have any plans you should check it out. It will be on the local cable channel live that day or you can come to the production at the High School to bid. This will be my fourth year helping and second year on the board. Although my help the last year has been minimal due to the babies.

Our Family:

Preparing for my Aunt Carols visit this weekend and our trip to the Sugar Mound Arts and Crafts Festival in Mound City KS. Our close family friend JJ Isenhower will be there with his creations Sticks & Stones, so if you go check him out and tell him your friend or family of ours. He just made the girls bunk beds for Christmas/Alexys Birthday, he'll have them on display. It started out as a bed for Alexys 2nd birthday but when Shiloh was born it turned into bunk beds for a later day when I'll have them share a room. The beds can be seperated or left together. They are AWESOME, Duane is a little jealous and envious of them. Saturday evening we are going to my friends parents house for a "just for fun" party where the guys will play croquet and the girls can visit. Steve & Dee hosted this party last year at their house around the fourth of July and we had a great time so we're looking forward to it.

The following weekend I'm trying to get my friend Bailee to come over and hang out with me, it has been a year now.

Next weekend we have Duane's best friends Steve & Char Holtgravers FANTASTIC Halloween Party and the COPS FOR TOTS auction. This two things are always the weekend before Halloween and an amazing time.

October 28th we are Florida bound for my brother Tony Hodgson's retirement from the Air Force, 20 years of serving our great country. Thanks for your committment and dedication Tony! We love you and can't wait to see you!

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